The C-Mill treadmill is an indispensable tool in everyday functional therapy. Thanks to C-Mill, you can conduct training in early intervention rehabilitation, as well as training in standing, walking and attention.
The advanced C-Mill system is irreplaceable in everyday functional therapy. C-Mill allows for training in early intervention rehabilitation. Thanks to the advanced C-Mill system, it allows you to improve the gait pattern and also reduce the risk of falling. The development of training with the C-Mill treadmill also means improved balance distribution

Early rehabilitation is possible thanks to the balance training options and the patient relief system. The training is conducted thanks to projections on the treadmill surface. This enables the patient to get used to looking forward and simultaneously being alert while walking.

Advantages of C-Mill:
• gait training in a functionally correct manner,
• the possibility of multiple repetition and diversification of training,
• training is motivating and engaging for the patient,
• training in a safe environment,
• gait assessment tools available,
• objective measurements and tests,
• real-time performance monitoring,
• reporting,
• easy to connect the patient and start the therapy.